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영어학원에서의 presentation

오늘 영어학원에서 발표(?)한 글이예요.
자유주제라고 해서 뭘 할까 하다가..
그냥 가볍고 재밌게 써보려구 아래처럼 써봤어요.
오늘 발표했는데, 반응은 꽤 좋더라구요.. ^^;
선생님도 “very good”을 외쳐주시고.. 헤헤

참고로, Paul은 학원에서의 제 닉네임입니다.

My small room

Hi, I’m Paul.
Let me tell you about my room.
I live alone in a dry lodging, so called “Kosiwon” in Korean. But I don’t prepare any examination. The reason that I live there is that the “Kosiwon” is cheap. That’s it.

My room number is 213. It has no windows. Sorry. It has only one facing to the corridor. So I can’t look out of the building. But you don’t have to have sympathy for me. That’s OK. I became familiar with my room. And my room is sometimes very practical.
In summer, my room is very cool because it is never sunny. And in winter, my room is very warm because it is center of the building. How excellent it is!

My room is very small. It is small as a bedding. Whenever I want to open the door, I should put away the bed. But I’m too lazy to put away the bed everyday. So My bed is always put away by half, that is to say, my bed is always made by half on the floor. When I want to go to bed, I bend my back and lie in my half made bed.

In my room, I have no TV set, no VCR, no stereo, and so on. But I have a computer that I got six years ago. Maybe you call it an antique. It’s CPU chipset is a Pentium 133MHz processor. It’s internet speed is so so slow that I always grumble at that. So I always mutter to myself, “let’s buy a new one”, “a new computer”. But after that, I mutter to myself a word more, “money”. That’s the problem.

A couple of weeks ago, my two friends and I talked about living together. We agreed among ourselves because living together is much cheaper than living alone. And now, we are looking for a good room in which three men can live together comfortably. I’m looking forward to living together. Because it will be my first time for me to live with my friends.

Thank you for listening to my presentation.

<며칠 전 학원에서의 에피소드>

얼마전 학원에서 mission day라고 해서 채플 시간이 있었는데,
듣기싫어서 그날은 빠졌거든요.
다음날 선생님이 왜 안왔냐고 묻길래,
“I don’t like mission day. I have no religeon.”
이라고 솔직하게 말했어요.
선생님이 강의도 아니니까 들어보라고 그러는데,
그냥 “I don’t like hearing that.”
라고 했죠.
근데, 저말고도 그날 빠진 사람이 꽤 많더라구요.
아파서, 늦잠자서, 학교에 면담이 있어서 등등…
죽 전날 결석에 대한 확인을 다 하고난 후
선생님이 저에게 한마디 하더라구요.
“You are honest.”
“I believe you, but I don’t believe them. They make stories.”


너무 심하게 말했나 걱정했는데,
칭찬해주니까 기분은 좋더라구요. ^^;

“영어학원에서의 presentation”의 3개의 댓글

  1. 동민아,
    바로 위에 코멘트 단 사람.. ^^;
    같이 사는 거에 대해 논의가 충분하진 않았지만.. –;
    기정사실이 되어가고 있는 중..
    지난번 춘기랑 방 보러다닌 건 그냥 실사작업 정도였음. 다음주 쯤에는 논의를 확실히 거쳐서 제대로 추진해야 하지 않을까 해. ^^;

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